THE Bee Guy | The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland

I bumped into Paul Handrick aka THE Bee Guy on Twitter in 2019 and immediately liked him . Trigger happy, he was ready to shout what others were only whispering, if at all; the natural world is in deep deep shit and needs our help . Or at least for us to stop fucking it up . More importantly he was already doing something about it .
Paul invited me to come visit his venture The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland . I met Clare-Louise when I wandered there, 55 acres of farmland they bought in the Wicklow hinterlands, having taken the decision to leave suburban life behind . And where Paul and Clare-Louise are, Meadow, their youngest daughter, is too
Their desire is to return the land, a mixture of open fields, woodlands, lakes and lush deep hedgerows, to wilderness while making it a haven for bees .
I took this picture in their yard after a day filming . A joy
We made two short films on The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland during 2019 which you can watch
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You will find Paul on Twitter 🐝 here :