Matthew Thompson | Sculptor

I came across Matthew Thompson through my friend Jim Wilson and starting filming with him some 16 months ago in September 2018 . Matt had just been commissioned by Jim and the group to sculpt a monument from local Ballinacurra stone
I wasn't at all sure what kind of a film we might fashion but Matt was up for it and for me it was a rare opportunity to see something hewn from a bare piece of rock
A Cork native, Matt lives with his wife Shermin and daughters Allana, Rosie and Eliza in Ballywilliam . It is a little hamlet in East Cork, tucked in against the coast . Blissful in many ways
We didn't get to film as often as I would have liked over the months and though it was sometimes bitterly cold during filming, we couldn't complain; it rained only the once which was most unusual for this part of Ireland
I was always made welcome
A short film will follow in due course . A wee snippet 👉: 🎬 🐧
The picture is from our final day filming during the first week of January 2020 . The monument will be unveiled in Ballinacurra on Saturday 25th January 2020