Eoghan Daltun | Restorative Sculptor

Some years back, I went walking in the oldest rainforest on the planet . Way up north in Australia, on Cape Tribulation . I cannot remember what brought there, to the Daintree Rainforest . Maybe it was the hope of seeing a cassowary . More likely I was just day dreaming of mangroves . And tall trees .
We see trees in the everyday . And yet, until recently, I really didn't know much about trees .
Then I read 'The Hidden Life of Trees' by Peter Wohlleben . A transformative read, it should be on school curriculums .
It sent me in search of people invested in woodlands in Ireland . Natural woodlands, that is . Not the blots on the landscape, the poisonous pits, that are the modern commercial dead zones of homogenous forestation .
Out on the Beara peninsula, Cork, I found Eoghan Daltun 🌳 beararainforest.com 🌿. A Dublin native, he moved there a decade or so ago and is guardian to a tiny stamp of temperate rainforest .
We talked and filmed across 2019 and fashioned this 👉: 🎬 : https://vimeo.com/375987129
The picture above of Eoghan looks half arsed in composition . It is; having used up the day filming, only when leaving for Dublin did I remember to take it . Eoghan was out on his lane, the sheep proof fence pulled back to let me out . I dug the Nikon FM out of a rucksack, hopped out of the car and quickly adjusting the camera's manual settings - 'click' . This is one of the joys of taking still pictures using film . And for all the image's faults, I like it . Wonder in the ordinary .